Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Simple Water Level Alarm

In the bathrooms, sometimes i often open the tap water to fill the water tank and leave it to do other activities. But i often forgot to close tap water, After that, the water is spilled to much. Because water direct flow from electric pump, of course it also make a wasteful electricity. 

Not all water filling in the bathroom using automatic valves that will close when the water is full. One easy solution is install a water level alarm. The alarm will buzzing to people to tell that the tub is full. Water level alarm can be assembled with very easy. And then some of the main components that used are :
  • 9v battery
  • Piezo buzzer
  • Transistor c 9014
  • 470 ohm resistor
This is schematic of water level alarm that I was use, This is so simple and just need only 4 component electronics to make it work.

This is water level alarm that I was build. I soldering all component on PCB. I use two copper for water sensor. I got copper from piece of NYM cable. when both copper exposed to water, the alarm will sounding “ Tiiiiit……………”

this is a picture of the installation the circuit in the bathroom, both of copper can adjusted to level water which desired.

Why use batteries? This is the best way to avoid electrical line hazards. Of course safety is the main reason.  I use 9 Volt battery because a piezo buzzer that I used works on voltages from 6 to 9 volt. At a voltage 9 Volts, piezo buzzer may be ringing very loudly.
For more detail, please watch this video and don’t forget to leave your comment. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Ohh...No.....Don’t Throw Your Empty Battery

In this post, I want to share about 1.5 Volt batteries that have been discharged. You have many empty battery in your house? Sometimes a battery that we use have not really empty. Generally, people will throw it away. but the battery still save a little of energy that can be used with a simple trick.

Joule thief is one of the tricks to use empty battery, joule thief will increase the battery voltage up to dozens volt. Joule Thief circuit is very simple to make. Many articles on the Internet that post this circuit, many communities on social media sharing and experimenting about this circuit. People often call this circuits with “JT”
Main component is

>> Transistor type C 9014
>> 14:14 coil with ferrite toroid from Power Supply of CPU and  wire from UTP cable.
>> 680 Ohm Resistor
>> 5 Watt LED HPL
>> Small Switch
>> Battery Housing
>> 1.5 Volt AA Battery

Joule thief is able to turn on the HPL LED only with 1 piece of 1.5 Volt battery. HPL LED is High Power LED which can lit if get voltage supply around 2.8 Volt. I use this circuits to emergency lamp. Besides that, I want to take advantage from empty battery before it really discharge.  So, there are many people develop this circuits become a mobile charger. Of course this makes me interested to try it. You can look this picture and video for more detail.

Lime Battery ( Part 3 )

This time I tried to post something about Lime Battery. First I was curious and then I bought some lime in a shop in the market complex. The price is cheap Rp 1000 each piece. Then I use a copper and nails which previously used to arrange a potato battery.

Finally, the results are surprising. 4 pieces potato and 4 Cups salt water usually only produces a voltage about 2.8 volts. But the 4 pieces of lemon can produce voltages up to 4 volts.

One thing I don’t understand is, when the battery is loaded LED, a third type of battery voltage drop to around 1.8 Volt.

I have not tried further to find the reason.

Potatoes Battery ( Part 2 )

In the previous post, I tried to make the battery from salt water, I just practice one of the many articles on the internet. This time I tried to practice something else, that is a battery of potatoes.

One evening I went to the market and buy some potatoes, first I bought just to boil and eat it. Somehow after seeing a YouTube video and some internet articles, I became interested to make battery from potatoes.

I took some copper wires in warehouse, then I took a few nails made of aluminum. Of course, the copper cable is used as the positive pole and nail as the negative pole. This is a picture of copper and nails that I use.

One potato produce 0.7 volts, so if 4 pieces of potato are arranged in series will produce 2.8 volts, this value is enough to turn on the Red LED lights. the measurement results are almost the same with the salt water batteries on the previous post.

For more details, you can watch on this video.

Finally I’m so hungry, and then I boil the potatoes in water heater…..ha..ha…ha…