Friday 8 January 2016

HS 0038 B Infra Red Receiver Experiment

Continue from previous experiment

VS 1838 B Infra Red Receiver

Now i try using different type of Infra Red receiver device HS0038 B. So you can see the datasheet on this link

HS 0038 B Datasheet

So the result is

VS 1838 B Infra Red Receiver Experiment

This is my first experiment of Infra Red , I'm using VS 1838 B because this is the most low price of other similar components. I experiment on how to send and receive data via Infra Red.

This is physical form of VS 1838 B

This is pinout of VS 1838 B

So the first measurung and observation experiment produce some result, when there is a signal light to the sensor , so the voltage at the output ( pin 1 ) arround 4.5 volts . But if there is no signal light , the voltage arround 3.7 volts.

After i read some article on internet, i knew that this measuring method is WRONG..... and then i using Oscilloscope to measure this device. I use Air Conditioner and Television remote control to send signal to IR Receiver.

And then, after setting some parameter adjustmen on Osciloscope front panel, I try to send signal using Television remote control.

Then i try to send signal using Air conditioner remote control. So data signal is certainly different.

So, this is video my simple experiment about infrared receiver using VS 1838 B. And i plan to combine multiple infrared receiver using AND Gate IC.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Running LED Circuits

I think variation of blinking LED is art, Running LED circuits that i mean is a set of LED which blinking alternately. So that LED look like running with circular motion. As usual i rarely make PCB from blank PCB. But i often bought circuit PCB like this. Because it lower cost than make from blank PCB.

As usual, i got schematic paper like this
Main component of this circuit is IC timer 555 and CD 4017. I use Green LED, Blue LED and Red LED purpose to look like colorful. Total 20 of LED used. VR 20 K is potensiometer or trimpot that used to adjust speed of LED blink.

Top and bottom view of PCB

After Build

So, you can watch this video, please leave your comment, 
thank you for watching and visiting my Blog

Monday 7 December 2015

Mini Police Alarm

Mini Police alarm actually is modified from siren circuits. Multivibrator circuits has been added as an input to siren circuits. Continuity from Siren Circuits that i've ever post. So this is schematic.

And this is photos of PCB that i've bought from top and bottom view.

Multivibraror is circuit which produce simultanously square wave purpose to generate vibration. This is usefull to vibrating siren sound. Fast vibration make siren sound like police alarm, and slow vibration make siren sound like Ambulance or Firefighter alarm.

So, this circuits able to modificated to many various alarm or sound. If you change value of C4 ( 0.05 uF) or 5 nano Farad with smaller value e.g 2.2 nano Farad, sound will be heard like bird sound.

I think this circuit is very cool to modified into many variation of sound alarm. As usual to try this circuit, i use 9 Volt Battery, Push Button Switch and Mini Speaker. As shown in this picture.

So you can watch this Video. Please leave your comment. 
Thank you for watching and visiting my blog.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Adjustable LED Flip Flop

Continue from previous post

Simple LED Flip Flop

I tried to modify existing circuit by adding a stereo potensiometer so that the duration of blinking LED could be adjust. I use 100 K ohm potensiometer to adjust duration and 10 K Ohm that useful as limit base of each transistor.

Potensiometer and resistor 10 K Ohm use to substitute resistor 56 K Ohm.

So, you can watch this video and dont forget to leave your comment, Thanks......

Thursday 12 November 2015

Simple Siren Circuit

Continue from previous story,

Simple Led Flip Flop

I was buy some circuits PCB not only LED circuits but also Siren Circuits. Siren is like alarm which scream tone. In my country, siren often use in firefighter car otherwise launch time alarm for worker in the industrial factory . This is PCB that I was buy.

After open plastic package, I got this pieces of paper and PCB of course .

And It was i assemble like this

After that i use Push Button Switch according schematic paper. Push Button Switch use to start and stop siren buzzing. When position start ( Push Button Pushed ), The Siren sound is longer then higher tone. When position stop ( Push Button Release), The Siren sound is longer then lower tone until silent. This is it.

You can look this picture to overall wiring, I use 8 Ohm, 0.5 Watt mini speaker 2.5 Inch. On the schematic paper describe that circuits work at 6 Volt. But i prefer to use 9 Volt Battery.

And you can watch this Video. This circuits is simple to make and soldering.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Simple LED Flip Flop

LED Flip Flop is one of many circuits have I made when I start to learn about electronics circuits. In years of 2002 i often to assembling some circuits with PCB. Of course many PCB sold on the electronics part store at that time and until now. I like to assembling several LED circuits because all of them can blink with very beautiful.

Yesterday, I visited at electronics part store which old shopkeepers on my city. In the store, I looked from left to right. I admired because he still kept very old component and circuits PCB. How old this part can be seen from price on the package. I'm sure that is old price.

I bought some PCB, one of them is LED Flip Flop, you can look at this photo.

If i bought PCB Saturn product that well known merk, I always got a paper pieces that describe schematic of PCB like this.

Finally, I was assemble this, and I’m so happy because not for success to assemble but I can remember while sit in the Technical High School from 2002 to 2005.

And you can watch this Video. This circuits is simple to make and soldering.