Friday 18 September 2015

Beep Buzzer

One day, i visited my favourite shopping place in Surabaya my love city, Of course no other except 
"Genteng Market". I usually walk trough several alley and looking for unique something or some electronics part. That day i was looking for " Piezo Buzzer " to my favourite store. Sellers at the store ask to me,

Sellers  : What are you looking for ?
Me        : I was looking for " Piezo Buzzer" for around 9 Volt or 12 Volt.
Sellers  : There are two type, Buzzer with sound "Beeeeeep" or "Beep ... Beep .... Beep" ?

And then i was currious, I usually found Buzzer with sound "Beeeeeep" then i knew that evidently it has two type. Without much thought, i just said to sellers,

Me         : I will buy both of them, one for "Beeeeeep" and one for "Beep... Beep.... Beep".
Sellers   : Okay, the prize of one buzzer is Rp 7000. So total price is Rp 14000.
Me         : Okay, thanks.

This is photo of it with top view

And with bottom view

Both of photos is only Buzzer with sound " Beep ... Beep ... Beep " because i had forgotten to put another Buzzer.

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